Monday, January 14, 2013

kaching kaching

In times of heightened stress levels, I love to distract myself with impulsively spending money. Yea yea yea first world girl i don't care, spending money makes me feel happier even if its not particularly healthy. Anyway some of the things i bought that have been unsavory are these 2 shorts from ASOS. sigh~ seriously am dissppointed with them. One of them was designed for people with no ass, such that when i wore it there was a huge gap in the back, because i have a pretty decent butt thank you very much. Its a terrible design and can't match with any shirt that i have... Oh but the worse is yet to come.

The other shorts was way waaaaaaaay worse. The bottom part of the shorts thats supposed to cover a girl's vjj was like 4 cm wide tops and hanging low. LIKE WTF?? you would be flashing your undies when you crossed you leg or bend over a little. ITs terrible terrible, can't fix it with a belt like the other one. I shall stick to skirts and tops when shopping online, period.

But there was one book I bought online that i am anticipating like crazy!!

Spectrum 19, the best in contemporary art! I fell in love with book 17 that i found in the local library and just decided one day i HAD to own one and saw this updated version. I'm a bit scared the inside may not be what i expected like in book 17 but i didn;t want o get book 17 because i could easily borrow it from the library 19 it was. Hope its not disappointing! IT will arrive around 23rd jan to 5 feb~ can't wait can't wait!

So far i own 6 illstration books, 3 of which i can not live without (my babies) and they are

the Garden of Eye Candy
OFFPISTE (only $10!! omg this was the best steal eva!)
Society of Illustrators 51

I bought 2 of them at onepage and the middle at Basheer. Hope to add Spectrum 19 to my wonderful collection! If you are an illustrator you HAVE to check out book 17 for sure, it is really inspirational and can give you that spark if you have an art block or whatnot, I can confirm at least 70%. 

Well I should get back to work so have a great day/night and ciao~

PS: and i bought Spectrum 19 in hardback at the price of a paperback edition!! yesssss i was meant to shop for that book on that very night and shall have no regrets!

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